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Easter Cheesecake – Pasca

~1 hour single recipe cover
500g sweet cheese, 400g sour cream, 200g white sugar, 150g butter, 6 eggs, 150g raisins, 3 tablespoons white flour, 3 tablespoons wheat meal, 1 vanilla bean
recipe methods
recipe guide cover

Start by combining the eggs with sugar and the seeds from the vanilla bean and whisk together until combined. Add the sweet cheese and continue whisking. Add the butter that was kept at room temperature and mix until smooth. Continue by adding the flour and wheat meal mixing with a spatula. Add the sour cream and in the end stir in the raisins.

recipe guide cover

Place the batter in a tray(22cm) greased with butter and flour and place it in the preheated oven(175C degrees) for around 50min until it turns golden. Let it cool to room temperature.

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