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Turkish pide – lahmacun

~1 3/4 h single recipe cover
  • 600g flour
  • 400ml warm water
  • 20g fresh yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 50g butter
  • 500g minced beef meat
  • 2 onions
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 250g tomato passata
  • parsley
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • chili flakes
  • salt & pepper
recipe methods

Finely mince the onion and place it in a strainer and let it drain the excess water for 10 min. Cut the bell pepper in small dices. Mix the meat with the onion and the pepper add the tomato passata. Season the mixture with salt, pepper, chili, thyme and parsley. Plastic wrap the meat and place it in the fridge.

recipe guide cover

For the dough start by mixing the yeast with sugar and some warm water and let it rest for 10 min until a foam starts to appear on top. In a bowl mix the flour with the salt, add the yeast and slowly incorporate the rest of the water kneading continually. Plastic wrap the bowl and let it rise for 1h. On the table top sprinkle some flour so that the dough doesn't stick to it and divide it in 8 pieces.

recipe guide cover

Stretch each piece giving it an oval shape. Place 1/8 of the meat mixture on top of the oval leaving about 1cm without filling on each edge. Roll the edges inward and form a boat like shape. Place them on a tray covered with baking paper and put it in the preheated oven (230C degrees) for 15min. Once they are ready pull them out and brush the edges with melted butter.

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