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First tip is: the size of the pot matters more then you think. For the perfect poached egg you need a pot that is ~20cm in diameter. If you get a pot that is too big, the swirl will move the egg from side to side and it won’t have a round shape. If the pot is smaller it will be difficult to control the temperature.

Fill the pot 3/4 with water and add one table spoon of vinegar. The vinegar will help the egg white coagulate faster and therefore hold its shape better.

The water temperature is the most important thing and it is usually the cause of over done or runny egg. In order to have a low chance of failure we will boil the eggs slowly. Bring the water to it’s boil point and then lower the flame to a minimum. You are looking for small bubbles the size of peas.

When putting the egg into to the water remember these 2 tips: don’t add the egg directly to the water, instead break it into a small bowl or ramekin. This will help you control the placement and also will free one hand for you. Now that you have one hand free take a spoon and gently create a swirl in the water. Add the egg from the bowl from as close as possible in the middle of the swirl and continue to swirl until the egg white turns white.

Let the eggs cook for 3 min and take them out with a skimmer spoon.

Now that you have the perfect poached egg, you can start being creative and make the greatest combinations for a tasty breakfast.
